Stacey Campbell
In this episode, Stacey Campbell of Prison Fellowship Canada gives us great insight into the ministry of reconciliation, the hardships of communicating, and our collective responsibility to end crime. Before you listen to this episode, here are 3 Change Maker Moments from Stacey!
3 Insights From Stacey Campbell
1) Get Your Hands Dirty
When Stacey started leading at Prison Fellowship Canada, she implemented that all of the staff spend half a day each week inside the prison. She did this because she never wanted the organization to have lofty ideas about different programs they wanted to implement, but would actually understand the needs of those they are serving. Sometimes we can get too focused on the big picture, when it’s really important to slow down and understand the needs of those you are trying to reach.
2) Be Ready to Shift Emphasis
Because of COVID-19, many organizations have had to create new programs in order to pivot and function. For Stacey and Prison Fellowship however, it was really a matter of shifting emphasis from one program to another. Because there has been an influx of prisoners being released early due to the pandemic, Stacey and her team have shifted focus to their Bridge Program to assist those transitioning out of Prison. By being flexible and being able to shift emphasis easily, your organization will be more adaptable and thrive.
3) Value Second Chances
Stacey Campbell
Stacey talks about the ministry of reconciliation, and how important it is when working in the prison system. She talks about cancel culture, and how it is just not sustainable to lock people up who have made mistakes and throw away the key. It’s important to value the gift of second chances and practice giving them in our own lives and organizations. Want to hear the full conversation? Click here to listen in and learn more from Stacey Campbell.
About Stacey
Stacey Campbell is married to John Campbell and together they have two adult children, Kate and John. She is an avid cook and gardener. Professionally, Stacey is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Prison Fellowship Canada, a ministry organization that prepares and mobilizes the Canadian Church community in response to the issue of crime and the restoration of offenders. Stacey uses the skills and training she honed from 25 years in the business world where she owned and operated a mid-sized marketing company along with many years in ministry leadership. Academically, Stacey holds a Diploma in Business Administration and a Master of Divinity degree in Missional Leadership. She is currently studying at Acadia University in pursuit of her Doctorate in Restorative Justice. In 2019, Stacey worked and studied in Colombia, South Africa, Israel and Albania on the issues and best practices of Restorative Justice. Stacey is a certified Trauma Integration Practitioner and workshop leader. She regularly teaches on subjects that she is passionate about including the Canadian prison system, reconciliation, forgiveness, restoration, as well as restorative and Biblical justice.