Anne Miranda
In this episode with Anne Miranda, pastor of Women’s Ministry at Village Church, Anne shared insight that will help you, your team and your organization come out of this season stronger. Here are three Change Maker Moments from Anne Miranda:
3 Insights From Anne
1) Empower the Leaders on Your Team
As a leader, it is easy to feel like every task and responsibility falls on your shoulders. It’s important to rely on and empower the leaders who serve under you. Anne shares that a success she has had in this season is making sure her leadership team is healthy and taken care of, so that the same mentality can filter down to their ministries.
2) Know What to Let Go Of
In roles of leadership, not every task will be for you. Some things are necessary to do, but by delegating and freeing up your time, you give yourself room for your own growth and passions. By finding the things that you need to invest your time in, and finding those that don’t, you become a more productive leader. Anne gives the example of administrative work; she finds administrative tasks to be draining. She also realizes that there are others whose gifting is administrative work, and is happy to bring others into the fold to protect her time.
3) The Importance of Being Vulnerable
Anne Miranda
“Vulnerability is contagious”, meaning that when someone sees you expressing vulnerability and openness, it empowers them to do the same. In quarantine, we can’t express our connections with smiles or any physical aspects, so being genuine and authentic in your language and actions will draw people to you and to your organization. Want to hear the full conversation of episode 17 of the 2nd season of The Change Makers Podcast? Click here to listen in and learn more from Anne Miranda.
About Anne
Anne Miranda currently leads the Women’s Ministry at Village Church. Prior to her pastoral role, she has many years of experience working in government and as an educator. Anne is passionate about seeing the lives of women transformed by Jesus and loves encouraging others to reach their full God-designed potential. Jesus is her true treasure and she desires to share his love, hope, and truth with everyone. She lives in Surrey, B.C. with her husband Carlos and their children Nathaniel and Hannah.