It's a Wrap! Catch up on Season 2 of The Change Makers Podcast

“So, what do we do now?” This was the question which inspired Season Two of The Change Makers Podcast. We’re grateful we had the opportunity to step deep into how leaders in our sector have engaged the uncertainty and never ending change of 2020. To help others identify the way forward, we asked ourselves, and others, what this ‘next normal’ will look like. And, we learned we’re in good company if we’re asking this question. Leaders from across Canada like Allison Alley from Compassion Canada, Michael Messenger from World Vision Canada, Andy Harrington from Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Janet Noel-Annable from Christian Horizons all share their insight and learning as they walk through this season, right along with us. If you’re heading into 2021 needing a shot of encouragement, and a bit of perspective, this season is for you. Each episode is full of expert advice from large capacity leaders on everything from new models of discipleship and evangelism, disability, how this pandemic has affected the marginalized, giving trends and marriage stressors. Spend a little time listening, and you’ll come out of this year stronger.

Are you ready to binge-listen to all 12 episodes of Season Two of The Change Makers Podcast? Download them now on your favourite listening app and jump right in!


TCMP 13: Interview with Andy Harrington, Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Andy shares rich and authentic advice for leaders leading through this global crisis of COVID-19, as well as for those who are leading through personal crises at the same time. Andy's encouraging guidance - if we allow them to, the lessons we’re learning in this season can allow us to lead better, become better and be better servants with more empathy and more compassion for those we serve in our organizations. We’re so thankful Andy would trust us with his story and think you will really enjoy this episode.  

Shaila Visser

TCMP 14: Interview with Shaila Visser, Alpha Canada

Shaila and Ellen talk about the shift to virtual community, the importance of taking a sabbath and how hypothesis testing allows your organization to be agile in a world that is always changing. Shaila shares incredible advice for non-profit, ministry and church leaders. We’d love for you to share this episode with a leader you know.

TCMP 15: Interview with Mark Petersen & Nate Petersen, Stronger Philanthropy

TCMP 15: Interview with Mark Petersen & Nate Petersen, Stronger Philanthropy

In this episode, we discussed philanthropy as a social return on investment, why mentorship is important, and practical ways to increase collaboration between Gen X and Baby Boomers. It’s a great message for non-profit organizations trying to raise money in this new climate!


TCMP 16: Interview with Stacey Campbell, Prison Fellowship Canada

Stacey provides great insight into the ministry of reconciliation, the hardships of communicating the need for prison ministry and our collective responsibility to end crime. 2020 has changed everything for ministries and non-profit organizations that usually thrive with a good five-year plan. In this season of constant shifts, organizations like Prison Fellowship Canada have adopted a mindset of constant examination by following a 30-day strategic plan instead. Find out why by listening in!  

TCMP 17: Interview with Anne Miranda, Village Church

TCMP 17: Interview with Anne Miranda, Village Church

Anne shares insight that will help you, your team and your organization come out of this season stronger. Here are some of the topics covered in this episode:

  • Going from event-based ministry to individual based ministry

  • Not getting caught up in the doing

  • Creating space for wonder

  • A new way of measuring success

  • Why it’s crucial to take care of yourself

It’s a timely message you will want to hear.

TCMP 18: Interview with Shawn Plummer, Food for the Hungry

Ellen sits down with Shawn Plummer from Food for the Hungry Canada as they talk about how Food for the Hungry trains their communities to thrive in times of crisis and uncertainty. Shawn shares with us about how finding innovative ways to meet with people which has been exciting for them as an organization, and how Christ calls us to do things together as a community.

TCMP 19: Interview with Janet Noel-Annable, Christian Horizons

TCMP 19: Interview with Janet Noel-Annable, Christian Horizons

Janet opens up about the resilience and creativity she has witnessed this season from her staff, volunteers and the people supported by Christian Horizons. The COVID crisis has heightened awareness of the unique needs and experiences of many community members including people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those that support them. Due to strong leadership, community partnership and the commitment of people, Christian Horizons has averted what could have been a major public health crisis. Listen in to find out how.  

TCMP 20: Interview with Gillian McShane

TCMP 20: Interview with Gillian McShane

Gillian offers expert advice for leaders who are feeling burnt out and overwhelmed. In this episode we learn that it’s okay to tell your team that you don’t have all the answers, the importance of having trusted people in your life, and why you should adopt a growth mindset. Gillian also offers you a free stress assessment resource, which you can find here: Ardell Stress Assessment.

TCMP 21: Interview with Cheryl Hotchkiss, Graf-Martin Communications

TCMP 21: Interview with Cheryl Hotchkiss, Graf-Martin Communications

This episode is a must-listen for non-profit leaders, especially women who find themselves balancing their role as leaders and mothers. Leaders have the tendency to question their value. If that’s you, listen in and be encouraged by some amazing insights from Cheryl – who has over 20 years of marketing and communications experience working in not-for-profit organizations. This episode covers the topic of mentorship, authenticity, collaboration and more!

TCMP 22: Interview with Michael Messenger, World Vision Canada & Allison Alley, Compassion Canada

TCMP 22: Interview with Michael Messenger, World Vision Canada & Allison Alley, Compassion Canada

Everything about COVID-19 has been magnified for those who are deeply in need. Our podcast guests can speak to that. In the midst of this health crisis, Allison and Michael are two leaders who want to keep their respective organization’s mission on people’s minds. If you feel like you are on the edge of your leadership capacity, listen in. Allison and Michael discuss why it is important to connect with other leaders, even those who may be positioned as your competitor. Keep in mind, your competitor might be working towards the same Kingdom mission as you are. Base your partnership on that similarity. There is no better time than the present to boost collaboration within your organization and outside of it. 

TCMP 23: Interview with Cheryl Nembhard

TCMP 23: Interview with Cheryl Nembhard

During this year, racial inequalities have been brought to the top of everyone’s attention and the world is waiting and watching for a response from the church. Cheryl urges non-black faith leaders to speak up. “When you are called into leadership, you have signed up to live a life outside of yourself.” Cheryl offers amazing advice for leaders and organizations who want to take steps towards reconciliation. It’s a great episode, listen in!  

Interview with Toni Nieuwhof

TCMP 24: Interview with Toni Nieuwhof

It is no secret that quarantine has introduced a new level of stress on relationships. Our new reality includes staying in, makeshift home office spaces and families spending more time together. Whether you have been married for 20 years or 2, listen in to learn how to safeguard your relationship in these stressful times. In this episode, Toni Nieuwhof, family law mediator and former divorce attorney, tells us about 3 relationship pitfalls to be mindful of during lockdown with your significant other.  Subscribe to The Change Makers Podcast with Ellen Graf-Martin on your favourite listening app, like Apple or Spotify!


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