12 Charities to Support This Holiday Season

Did you know that giving is good for you? Studies have shown that giving to charity, whether donating money or volunteering time, makes people happier. And when you are happier, you are healthier! And, on a spiritual level, giving reflects the character of God. Wondering how you can do some good for the world, and your soul this month? We love these organizations and the work they do!

Here are 12 charities you can support this holiday season:

Christian Horizons

Christian Horizons is a non-profit, faith-based charitable organization serving nearly 1,500 Ontario families. We believe and seek to ensure that people who experience disabilities belong in and with communities where their God-given gifts are valued and respected. For more information visit: www.christian-horizons.org

Open Doors Canada

Open Doors Canada is affiliated with Open Doors International, a global ministry which has supported and strengthened persecuted Christians in over 60 countries for over 65 years. ODI provides practical support to persecuted Christians such as food, medicines, trauma care, legal assistance, safe houses and schools, as well as spiritual support through Christian literature, training and resources. For more information visit www.opendoorsca.org

Back to the Bible Canada

See the life God wants for you through the power of His Word. Since 1957, Back to the Bible Canada has provided excellent and trustworthy Bible teaching for Canadians. Through daily verse-by-verse Bible teaching and innovative resources, Back to the Bible Canada, along with the ministries of in doubt and Laugh Again present the live and faith relevant truths of the Bible and offer hope to anyone seeking to know and better understand the God of the Bible and the significance of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Visit backtothebible.ca for Bible teaching you can trust.

Bible League

Bible League Canada has passionately shared the Word of God with Canadians. Today, God has given us the opportunity to work in 43 countries worldwide, sharing the Good News with men, women and children who are hungry for Jesus and His Word. Visit BibleLeague.ca for more information. 

Forever Families

We seek to connect, equip and mobilize Canadian church communities in collaborative partnership with others in the child welfare sector to effectively care for vulnerable children and their families. Reimagine compassion at ForeverFamilies.ca.

HOPE International Development Agency

Extending compassion to the neglected poor. HOPE International Development Agency exists to improve the supply of basic human necessities for the neediest of the developing world through self-help activities, and to challenge, educate, and involve North Americans regarding development issues. Learn more about how you can give thoughtful gifts of HOPE at

Mission Thrift Stores

Save Money - Transform Lives! Our stores convert donated goods into cash, and the net revenue is devoted to the joint ministry of BFM Foundation (Canada) and Bible League Canada to support leadership and literacy programs in over 43 countries — giving people access to the life-giving, life-changing, Word of God. See how you can help, go to missionthriftstore.com.

Prison Fellowship Canada

Our vision is to be a national community of reconciliation and restoration to offenders, ex-offenders, their families and victims using a faith-based approach to transformation based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We seek to prepare and mobilize the Canadian Christian community in response to the issue of crime and the restoration of offenders. Be a Memory Maker this year, go to prisonfellowship.ca to see how you can help sponsor the child of an incarcerated parent. 

Faith Today 

Since 1983, Faith Today - Canada’s Christian magazine - is the leading national hub of information and connection for Canada's estimated four million evangelical Christians. It connects, informs and profiles Evangelicals across all national Protestant traditions, equipping readers with expert research and insight into Canadian culture, Christian life and ministry. Click faithtoday.ca for more information.

MCRS (Mennonite Coalition of Refugee Support) 

We welcome families seeking refugee protection in Canada, and walk with them from the time of their arrival to their eventual acceptance as refugees or deportation. For more information on how you can help refugees feel welcome in Canada, go to mcrs.ca

Arrow Leadership

For nearly 30 years, Arrow Leadership has been developing Jesus-centered leaders for greater Kingdom impact. Discover how you can grow in Jesus-centered leadership to be led more by Jesus, to lead more like Jesus and to lead more to Jesus. Learn more about becoming a Jesus-Centered leader at arrowleadership.org.

Pregnancy Care Canada

Since 1997, Pregnancy Care Canada has been the most comprehensive Canadian source of expertise and mentoring in their field; equipping, connecting, and empowering pregnancy centres to serve their communities effectively with compassion and excellence. Who will help her? Learn more at pregnancycarecanada.ca. We know that even a small gesture of generosity to these organizations will create substantial, long-lasting changes in ways you may never thought possible! 

“Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means.” ― Leo Buscaglia


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