5 Kindness Ideas


Did you know that today is Random Acts of Kindness Day?!! During this crazy season we find ourselves in, it’s important that we remember others and take time to do something out of the ordinary, something special for someone else. Help spread kindness and remind people there is good in this world. We encourage you to do something to help put a smile on someone’s face today! Here are 5 kindness ideas which will cost you $5 or less: 

Send a Handwritten Card

In a time when electronic communications are abundantly available; text messages, email, social media… deep down, people long for good “old-fashioned” mail (other than their water bill). Make someone’s day by mailing them a handwritten note or card. Let someone know how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate the impact they’ve made in your life. One leader-friend sends our President, Ellen, a personal, handwritten card multiple times a year - and it always is a true encouragement. 

Donate to a Charity

There are so many amazing charities doing good in Canada and around the world and they can only do so thanks to the generosity of people like you! No donation is too small. Here’s one charity we recommend: Our borders may be closed to refugee claimants, but efforts to support claimants already in Canada continues. COMPASS Refugee Centre (formerly known as Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support) is providing support to over 1,600 people as they navigate the refugee claims process during COVID. The wait for the resolution of their claim and possible long term safety can be long and scary- and it’s even longer now. While they wait, life has to continue. Those COMPASS serves need help accessing food and shelter, government support, community support and even tracking the ever-changing regulations during a pandemic.  If you're looking for a random act of kindness you can do all year long, choose a cause that’s important to you and make a commitment to donate a specific amount each month. A donation of as little as $5 a month makes a big impact over time!

Buy coffee for the person behind you in line

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a free coffee?! It's a great way to share kindness with a random stranger. Next time you are at your favourite coffee shop, ask to pay for the coffee (or the whole order) of the person behind you.  This is so simple and can truly make someone’s day!

Surprise a neighbour with freshly baked treats

If you're baking a batch of cookies, double the recipe and share it with a neighbour. Homemade treats bring a smile to everyone's face! 

Write a great online review 

There's never been a better time to go out of your way to support your favourite local spot, your church, or your favourite author or book. We highly recommend you finding them online and leaving them an amazing review. Let them (and the whole wide web) know how much they’re needed right now. If you’re looking to give props to your favourite author, find them on Amazon and rave why everyone else should buy their book! We hope these ideas inspire you to share kindness with someone and it doesn’t just have to be on designated days like today. Share your favourite $5 or less Kindness Ideas in the comments below! 


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