Graf-Martin Communications

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8 Reasons to Hire Us Right Now

As the dust very, very, slowly starts to settle, organizations (including us and the clients we serve) are starting to lift their heads and look ahead at the “next normal” of 2020 and what 2021 might hold. We know, as well as anyone, that what got us here may not take us through the next season. Right now in our own organization, we’re taking our own advice, and everything’s on the table. We're pivoting and supporting organizations differently in this “next normal.” For you and your organization, it's a great time to bring in some laser-focused support – like our team of marketing experts. We'd love to connect with you over a free 20-minute consultation. Email us at Here’s why.

  1. You need to be agile.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we need to be nimble and agile, ready to pivot from an internal team to a remote-work team in a matter of days. The projects that our clients were focused on in January have transitioned in scope, direction, and delivery and have been forced to change significantly (trust us, we understand. Anyone else remember all those well-planned fundraising dinners that were supposed to happen in April or May?). Having our team as your well-equipped marketing toolbox with strong partnerships and skills in a variety of marketing tools, we can pivot quickly and use our expertise to creatively respond to your needs in real-time. BONUS POINT: our agency collaborates well with other agencies – meaning you’ll go further with us than you’d ever go alone.

2. You need a skilled, experienced marketing person.

Right now, with so much unknown, it might be tough to recruit the people you need and get them up to speed on your organization and your work. You need savvy, flexible communications and marketing team members to help you move forward right now but often, non-profit organizations are so focused on their program and mission and how to carry out the work they do that they don't have the team members they need with really key marketing skills.Right now, those skill gaps might be showing up – and that’s okay because our team can fill that skill gap for you. Consider us as your new hire and be sure to ask us about the tools we use and whether we might be able to fill that open role on your team as you figure out this next season.

3. You need someone doing the listening and discerning.

Organizational leaders are doing a lot of listening and discerning right now, and often, the last thing you have time to do is learn how or why to adjust your marketing or fundraising approach. During the past few months, our team has been intensely learning and listening to what is happening so that you can be freed up. From webinars to fundraising trends during crisis, Bank of Canada reports, to Google Grant maximization – we’ve been soaking it all in so that we're ready to help you with strong insight, timely tools and information.

4. No one knows what cash flow will really look like.

Let’s be honest: we’re all watching cash flow right now and we know donors are watching it too. It makes sense to fill some gaps with an agency partner right now, as you figure out the “next normal,” particularly if your marketing needs are intermittent or you’re unsure of what your revenue will look like in 6 months. Ultimately: hiring our skilled, experienced agency can be the most cost-effective decision for your organization right now.

5. We're all working remotely.

In a regular year, it’s handy that agencies work out of their own office space and you don’t have to provide space, desks or computers. And now, it’s even more helpful. We’re used to working remotely and getting work done. No mileage or travel expenses as we use Zoom, Google Suite tools, and project management tools like Asana. Essentially, it’s really easy for us to seamlessly join your team when you’re all working remotely, anyway.

6. You need to be focused.

Often, a non-profit organization has a robust, focused program plan with key measurements but they don’t have a robust integrated marketing plan or a communications plan. So, we like to start with building key plans to maximize resource use, to help focus a team, remove silos of work, and keep everyone on track. And – to ensure we’re measuring what matters in terms of marketing communications! It’s easier to do that with a trained eye, bringing fresh ideas and seeing new possibilities, when you’re coming from an outside organization.

7. You need to read the room.

There has been a lot more than a North American shutdown happening over the past few months. It’s hard to have a read on everything that is happening since the news changes every day. Having our team with decades of experience that is working with other non-profit organizations and media agencies and committed to staying up-to-date on global events, will give you unique insight into how to speak to your donor in a way that connects with where they’re at, right now.

8. You need some new ideas.

Nothing has turned out as we had planned this year. Crisis mode and the resulting fatigue can make creative ideation difficult. We can come alongside you, deeply care about your cause, understand your audience and be your honest, skilled, and experienced marketing partner to help you generate fresh ideas to come out of this season stronger.

Interested in how our team of experts can serve your organization at this time? We'd love to connect.

Book a free 20-minute consultation by emailing us at

Ellen Graf-Martin

Ellen Graf-Martin – Founder/President